Honda Civic ES VTI with Rays CE28 – Shandy’s Personal Taste

Menurut gue, perjalanan yang Shandy alami dengan mobil Honda Civic VTI 2004 nya patut diacungi jempol. Kenapa tidak? Jarang gue menemukan car enthusiast yang akan kembali membangun sebuah mobil ketika dia pernah mengalami pengalaman buruk bersama mobil itu. Apalagi jika mobil tersebut pernah hilang.

Glorifest Autoshow 2018

Hi Rollers! Sabtu lalu (04/08), gue diundang oleh SMA Global Mandiri Cibubur untuk meliput Glorifest Autoshow 2018, sebuah acara padanan untuk meramaikan pentas seni/ pensi mereka yang sudah dijalani bertahun-tahun dengan generasi yang berbeda, bernama Catharsia. Kebetulan event ini disponsori oleh PGN atau biasa dikenal dengan Perusahaan Gas Negara. Walaupun para panitia ini masih terbilang […]

City Strooling with The Honda Guys!

Well, Actually last year of June, we’ve been invited by our friend, Riswan to join him and his friend to run around Jakarta with their Honda Civics. IT WAS AN AWESOME EXPERIENCE, a really fun night indeed. So, here’s a video of us strolling around South Jakarta Before the car pic, first you gotta see […]

Dhurandhoro Meaty Van // Honda Stream Highlights! (Indonesian Version)

Selama beberapa tahun belakangan, Car enthusiast di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang bisa dibilang cukup pesat, dilihat dari perkembangan dunia modifikasi di Indonesia yang kini mulai mengedepankan estetika dan fungsi ( some still aren’t ) tidak hanya memodif yang mempentingkan tampilan lalu menjadi penghuni garasi atau bengkel modifikasi saja tetapi juga dapat dinikmati as their daily driven […]

Honda Civic EG Estilo 1993 // Riswan Rusdiansyah’s Honda Persona

PROLOGUE There was a day when we get bored of what we used to do. It was a call that we’ve finally made to make thing better between the ROLLEDLIFE teams and to keep contribute on Indonesian Car Culture. So this time, we finally agreed to make a car videos that looks alike a documentary. […]

Indonesian Car Meet 2015 – Another Awesome Experience

On last November, we’ve been invited by our fellow enthusiast from Indonesian Car Society to attend the Indonesian Car Meet Up (ICM) . The event took place at Hussein Sastranegara, Bandung International Airport. It reminds us about our last coverage on West Java Automotive Car Show. But this time, Indonesian Car Meet Up did it […]

Modsplash 2015 at Waterboom Jakarta

It’s been a year since we attended the Modificartion Modslide 2014 and yesterday they invited us to attend the Modsplash. A little bit like modslide, but minus the drift show. Anyway the ambience of the event is still cool. While swimming at the Waterboom Jakarta, we can see all the great builts that sittin’ nicely […]

Bandung West Java Automotive Car Show 2015 – Totally Awesome!!

Last week we’ve been invited by our new friend, the Paguyuban Organizer to fill up their event media partners line up for the Bandung West Java Automotive Car Show 2015. It was one of the most prestigious event in west java. In my opinion, having a ‘West Java’ and ‘Bandung’ as a name of an […]

BMW 330i x 325i E46 – The EURO JDM bros

Based on our journey in the car-scene, we consider that we have two type of enthusiast. The first one was purist, a pure enthusiast that always insist on traditional rules and heritage in a car brand and praised the origin tuner. The second one was the open minded enthusiasts, a person that put all their […]

A Hunter’s treasure – Sandy’s Toyota Corolla L Touring Wagon

In this small world, there’s so many type of car enthusiast. From the classic gear head, Stance and fitment believers, to OEM Hunters. Last week, we met Sandy. The guy from Great Corolla Club that had found and built the rare Corolla AE101 L Touring Wagon. The Toyota Corolla AE101 was commonly known as a […]

Wheels Wednesday : Rays Gramlights 57D on Toyota Mark X

Maybe you realized who’s car is this. Yes, This is . What’s interesting in here we want to talk about the wheels and tire profile. Bryan told me after swap the wheels from Advan RS, he prefer to chose Rays Gramlights 57D 18×9,5JJ alongside his old rubber, Yokohama DB 235/45/R18. The Rays Gramlights is a […]

ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.