Ini Dia Tempat dimana Kamu bisa Beli Mobil Baru. Gak Cuma Di Dealer!

Di era modern ini, masyarakat kian dimudahkan untuk melakukan berbagai aktifitas. Mulai dari yang simple, hingga yang sulit semuanya dapat dilakukan melalui genggaman tangan. Salah satunya adalah kemudahan berbelanja. Kemudahan berbelanja ini menjadi salah satu yang terbaik di era modern ini. Membeli mobil contohnya. Membeli sebuah mobil saat ini menjadi kebutuhan utama bagi masyarakat Indonesia. […]

Mobil Baru Di Tahun 2019? Ini Dia Cara Daftar Surat dan Pajaknya

Hi Guys, penghujung tahun 2018 sudah mau berakhir. Tentu ada dari kamu yang sudah bosan dengan kendaraan lama, dan tertarik untuk memulai perjalanan baru, dengan kendaraan baru tentunya.  Tetapi karena adanya peraturan baru dari pemerintah tentang pajak kendaraan, tentu kamu perlu memperhatikan surat kendaraan untuk mobil baru kamu nanti. Sejatinya, setiap kendaraan yang ada di […]

[Announcement] Bank BJB Speed Matsuri : Japan Day x Offset Kings Indonesia

9 November 2016 – After succeeded conducting a major automotive event – Speed Matsuri Honda Fun Day in Jakarta last year, our cool friend has now taken their event into another level. Partnered with both local and international, collaborate with Bank BJB as one of national bank and PT. Pertamina Persero that represent […]

ISC Jakarta “Meet Up & Track Day” with EPMC Malaysia

Well, we just had this great news from Indonesian Starlet Club that after celebrating their anniversary, they just went to Malaysia to meet the Starlet-Guys there and do the track day. Mr. Mamsky and Prischa sent us this great news and we liked to share it with you guys. Cheers. Indonesian Starlet Club (ISC) “Meet […]

One of the best meet up so far – Mobiloka’s Jakarta Meet Up 2015 Part 2

This second part will give you the looks of the venue of Jakarta Meet Up 2015 presented by Like we said before. The quality of the meet up is better than before. All the participant can enjoy a great parking spot and also great vibes along with fellow car enthusiasts. Because the excellent quality […]

One of the best meet up so far – Mobiloka’s Jakarta Meet Up 2015 Part 1

The 2015 was a great year for Car Enthusiast. The Jakarta Meet Up 2015 Presented by provides the participant a different experience than the last events. Took place in the classy Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera, the meet up was really step into the higher level. To attend the meet up all the participant should […]

Awesome! – Auto Project Tour 2015 as a car enthusiast media, finally made their Project Tour to collaborate and gathers all Indonesian’s car enthusiast. The results was success. You can see all the happy and enthusiastic faces that attend this events. Gettinlow has an important role in Indonesians car culture. People are motivated to personalized their car to the fullest […]

Joshua Antony’s BMW E46 330ci : Videos

So, when we do photoshoot with Joshua, we took some clips with our partner and also proudly videographer, Iman Kurniawan. So please enjoy his works. Thank you

Thank You 2014 for a great start

Good bye 2014, thanks for a great start. For me as a car enthusiast, I see 2014 as my first start in the automotive media and branding. 2014 taught me many things. From design to making a website for my own (thanks google!). 2014 is the year when Keong Turbo was founded and sadly, retire. […]

ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.