So, here it is the Part Two if you have read the part one so I guess you all know what part two is all about, if you haven’t see the Jakarta Meet Up 2016 part one, go check it out, now! Haha.
Well, after doing the convoy from Plaza Senayan to Flavor Bliss the participants are finally here, a lot of cars the we’ve seen at the Plaza Senayan are blend in with the guys that already at the Flavor Bliss since morning, all of them parked into their parking spot as registered, some of em came alone or individually some other came with their buddies or crews, After parked their cars the participant are queuing for the merchandise such us free parking stickers, gas voucher, meal vouchers, detailing package voucher and tees. Just when we thought the event started the rain coming down, and it was such a heavy rain, all the participants are running to the food stall and restaurants to have their break time.
But the rain didn’t stop the party, more participants and visitors keep coming and it was a very unusual scenery, to see a diverse cars blend into one events like this, from stance euros, exotics, stance Japanese, hothaches, stance van, japanese racing heroes to rare muscle cars, such an eyegasm.
After the rain was stopped we strolling around the venue to capture that beautiful scenery and then the guys from the Gearhead Monkey Garage was came in, and they are truly was the show stopper, there was a Shelby Cobra among them convoy, I even didn’t believe that there is guy that actually own this car on this country! See what I meant about beautiful scenery?
A Nice hard topped BMW E36 from the Goodrides seems very catchy!
When our friend, Faishal just got an accident because of a wreckless driver that ram Faishal’s left door. Poor him 🙁
A Legend!
Of course, so many BMW!
It was really a great event just casual meet up where the stance guys can talked to owners of the exotic and so on, it was a true proper car enthusiast meet up without having the contest minded on their mind, just bring out the best of your whip without eyeing on the prize just to show what you can do best on your beloved car, we do need more events like these where we can go home after an events happy, not disappointed. But really it is just my opinion though, don’t take it too hard haha.
The kiddos also participate!
I guess you guys cant wait to see how the event going right? Then see you guys on the next Jakarta Meet Up salute to the all committee, enjoy!