Enkei Enthusiast Meet Up // Year end gathering

Enkei Enthusiast Meet Up // Year end gathering

On last Sunday, suddenly my friend told me to attend the #enkeienthusiast meet up at Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera and meet my friend there. So, after doing lazy things on sunday afternoon, finally I grabbed my ass up to go there. As you can see here a true Enkei Fanboy and true admirer gather and showing offs their sleek car. So, you may enjoy our photo! Happy holiday guys!

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As you can see, there’s a lot of car enthusiast that came with no Enkei wheels in their respectable car. That’s because #EnkeiEnthusiast invite all kinds of car enthusiast to be on there. Because there’s something good in every meet up with every type of car enthusiast.



Words/Photo : Wailan Rawung

ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.