Galang rizky’s 2013 Honda Civic – Good at being different (Christmas Special)

Last time when we attended the Speed Matsuri x Offset kings from the Goodrides, we’re thrilled to see so many cool cars from different kind of style, some of JDM finest rare cars that we never see everyday in Jakarta-Indonesia, and not to mention The super nice Gaijins that lined up outside the premium parking […]
Honda Civic EG Estilo 1993 // Riswan Rusdiansyah’s Honda Persona

PROLOGUE There was a day when we get bored of what we used to do. It was a call that we’ve finally made to make thing better between the ROLLEDLIFE teams and to keep contribute on Indonesian Car Culture. So this time, we finally agreed to make a car videos that looks alike a documentary. […]
Honda Civic 1997 – Riswan’s Personal Dream

As a car guy we always have our dream cars or dream projects. Yesterday, we met Riswan Rusdiansyah, a car enthusiast that always been following his dream until now. The journey started when Riswan finally sold his Toyota Starlet and bought this Honda Civic SO4. He told us that he never thought that his car […]