Modslide 2014 @ Waterboom PIK – Car Show to Another Level!!

Modslide 2014 @ Waterboom PIK – Car Show to Another Level!!

So, We have another coverage for early December. This is our coverage about Modslide, a car contest that closed with an awesome pool party. Modslide is an event that held by Modificartion, Benhil Auto Garage, Mslide Project and Banana Auto. The result of the event is outstanding. Many participant can have fun at the waterboom while watch their car park beside the pool then have a great party with Indonesian famous DJs while so many FHM models dancing around you. HOW AWESOME IS THAT??? Surely Modslide brings a car show, automotive gathering and also party to another level!!

When doing the coverage we’re having our new photographer, Mr. Tonan Jihano Sinaga, another close friend. So, you may enjoy the pics that taken by Him and Wailan Rawung. The cool coverage video below is taken by our cool videographer, Mr. Iman Kurniawan.

So, please, enjoy the pics and our coverage video.

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Words : Wailan Rawung
photo : Wailan Rawung, Tonan Jihano
Video : Iman Kurniawan

ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.