A community or a club is a place that gathers people with the same interest. They will share their interest to fellow friend in their community and share some problems to solved it together. The key of long lasting community is commitment and also togetherness. A Brand Community as far as I knew is a community with the same interest of brand. They attached to a brand or marque and keep sharing any aspects of it.
Indonesian Starlet Club was founded 22 February 1995. Exactly 20 Years ago this car community or club as it says has goes on to 20 years. So you may say in this car club there will be hundreds of people sharing from time to time.Sharing their cool cars and also share its problems to solve together. So we may say this Indonesian Starlet Club friendship has been 20 years and still counting. What a tremendous journey for a car club. Even there always people come and go because of their new interest of a car, this car club still stand on its feet until now. We should respect this kind of friendship. This people sharing their passion since the 90s. When the internet is not as good as now, no instagram, even no facebook! But they still be awesome until now! Cool.
The “Birthday Bash” from Indonesian Starlet Club is really humble. They gathered their money to be contributed to Rumah Zakat Indonesia. The event is really simple. They just gathered, having lunch, sharing stories about cars, meeting good old friend from fellow car enthusiast. Simple but powerful, just like Toyota Starlet. Around 40 to 50 cars gathered that day. From different chapter just to meet their good friends.
The Toyota Starlet generations that has been sold in Indonesia is Toyota Starlet 70 and 80 series. We may call it EP 70/EP71/EP80/EP81/EP82. A 1300cc powered 5-door city car was fulfilled the needs of many Indonesians who live in a big cities. Short wheel base, small size city car with reliable Toyota engine. Beside the good memories that this car has provide to many people all over the world, the Toyota Starlet has a high performance model, the Toyota Starlet GT Turbo. The GT Turbo came out with 2-doors and 4E-FTE Engines. Powerful? Of course. The engine can reach it top speed and supported by small weight of its chassis. That’s why Toyota Starlet is one of the best hatchback in its time.
Indonesian Starlet Club is one good example for car club. Besides donating to those who needed, they share their passions for about 20 years and counting. 20 years would be the same age of many Car Enthusiast Nowadays. So can you imagine? This community born even you guys still in ‘process’ π
Words: Wailan Rawung